Digital TV - Get your coupons

Today instead of rambling on on some strange topic, or self-promoting some recent pictures I took, I bring you useful information. More than one person has been asking me about the future (Feb 2009) in watching TV. Rather that me explaining what going to happen, take 5 minutes and go to the goverment's official website here. Each household is allowed 2 coupons, it's a very simple form to fill out - name, address, zip etc.. Do you have any questions - just ask...

Mobile Command 1

Of course there is Air Force 1 - the plane used for the President of the United States. Have any of you heard of Mobile Command 1? I have self-titled my van that I spend about 6 to 8 hours in every day during the week. Why do you call it that Joe, you may ask. The answer is simple, this van is LOADED. Most people may think of power locks, cd play, sunroof, etc.. Those aren't the options I'm looking for. Satellite Radio (Stileto - pause and record), GPS, Nextell Blackberry, Verizon Smart Phone, Pansonic Toughbook with Verizon's Broadband Card, Canon Buble Jet i90, HP all-in-one printer, iPod, DVD, TV (yes - I can watch the Yankee Games in my Van), oh, and I also have a cd player... Hey, I need options - can my local dealer provide me with this? Of course these features are not used while I'm driving, that wouldn't be safe. I have alot of down time in between assignments, so all of these features come in handy. Feel free to check out of the rest of my pictures here. Till the next time...

error - picture posting is down - I'll try again later.

Saki - Sank you very Much!!

There is nothing I like more than a good Japanese Steakhouse. The in-laws, the wife and I partook on some fried rice, soup, steak, chicken, and SAKI!!! I was feeling multi-cultured tonight after having a BLL (Bud Light Lime), then a bottle of Boones Farm, then finishing of with Saki. You would think I would be sleeping right now, but with the Florida heat, you just sweat everything out. I don't know how anyone can live here in the summer, it's way to hot for me. Anyways, all is well, I attach some more photos when I get back to the cuse!! Till then, sank you very much.

Another One Bites the Dust

Another bachelor joined the rest of the old boys club this weekend, my cousin Vinnie - no not Joe Pesci. I took some pictures from the festivities, you can view them here. I also was able to add some more pictures of Sophia & Claire. Be sure to see the video of Sophia calling me a mess. (it's at the end of the video - be patient) That's all for now..

So long to a wonderful person

I've been fortunate throughout my life, I've never had to say goodbye to a loved one. I was very young when my Grandpa Joe died, so the details are fuzzy. I have my memories of my Grandpa Joe, but like a lot of my childhood the memories have become hard to remember. I never met my Father's parents, they passed before I was born. Unfortunately, this all changed this past Thursday. 
My wife's Grandma passed after a long battle with cancer at the age of 80. My wife's family has become my own. I don't say mother-in-law, father-in-law, brother-in-law, I feel they are my family, my mother, my father, my brothers. This rings the truest when it comes to Grandma & Grandpa Conti. They are MY grandparents also, not just Missy, Joey, or Scott's. I know they feel the same for me, that's why they are so special to me. Grandma never made me feel left out on anything, at all. I was sometimes one of the first to eat (sorry Joey), the first to get a kiss hello or goodbye, and I believe I was the last person Grandma yelled at. (not intentionally - she was heavily sedated)
About two weeks ago, Missy & I talked Grandpa into going home for the night. Grandma was in the Francis House for over 40 days, and Grandpa stayed with her every night except one. I was blessed to spend one night with Grandma, all by ourselves. Needless to say, I didn't sleep much, and the conversation was limited to the night nurse on duty. But what little words were spoken between Grandma & I, will be the ones I will keep in my memory for ever. She told me that she loved me and told me that I was a good boy. Words became more difficult to understand a couple of nights later, and then she started taking a turn for the worse. Those words didn't really sink in, until right now. How fortunate I am to hear Grandma say those words to me. It's not always that people get a chance to say goodbye, or say I love you one more last time, but I was blessed to hear both.
Missy & I were with Grandpa almost every day at the Francis House. (I believed we missed 3 days) We  became Grandpa's support group.  Wether is was bringing him dinner, a movie to watch, a laugh to have, or a cold beer, it was Missy & I there for him along the way. Grandpa new this, which is why he called our house Thursday morning. I couldn't understand what he was saying, I asked if he wanted me to get mom on the phone. All I could hear was, "Just you and Missy, I want you and Missy here." Missy just got to school, and I new I couldn't wait for her. We spoke before this happened that Missy didn't want to be there when Grandma died, I understood and couldn't blame her. So Missy headed home to come up with her parents, while I went to the Francis House to be with Grandma. Thankfully Grandpa was with his sister-in-law when I got there, so he wasn't alone.
..... it was less that 10 minutes before she passed, so peacefully... All I could do was try to be there for Grandpa, I had so much emotion, pain running through me, but I couldn't cry. All I could think that Grandma would tell me to stop being a blabber ass (something she called Grandpa all the time).  I was there - with her - when she left all of us, these are my memories, my moments in time that I will never forget.
Out of the pain of this great loss, is something so remarkable, so magical, I didn't know how to explain it until this moment. There was no doubt Grandma was the heart and soul of this family. She was the rock, the core of the family, everyone leaned on her for support. She was as strong as an ox, but at the same time loving as only a person could be. Who would fill this void, this loss, who could everyone depend on. I never thought my wife would be this person, but she has become more like her Grandma than I ever though possible. What she has gone through everyday for the past month and half is not something Granddaughters don't do. Work all day (kindergarten teacher), come home, make dinner for us and Grandpa, heading up to see Grandma every night, then coming home and talking to the rest her family to let them know what's going on.  Her social life disappeared, he sleep became diminished, and she never complained. I feel some how Grandma new how strong she was, when nobody else did. Moments in life are defined in these special moments. 
So with this I say good-bye to Grandma, but I know she will be with all of us everyday. My memories will not fade away with her, because I see her in my wife's eye's everyday day now.  My wife is my rock, my core, my support. So thank you for my memories Grandma Conti, I love you and your a great woman

Pond Palooza (Take 1)

I'm still feeling the after effects on drinking JD out of the bottle from two weeks ago. I keep telling myself that I can handle booze like I once could, but I'd be lying to everyone.  Anytime I have a drink now, it's usually with dinner, and a nice glass of red wine. JD makes me crazy, just ask my wife. I took some of these photos, my wife took the others. The photos can be viewed at my Flickr account here

Say hello to Claire Cellura

I'm not even sure if I am spelling her name right - Jen correct me if I'm wrong. It's amazing how similar she is to Sophia - that's a dumb statement, isn't it? Anyways, I hope everyone is having a nice and long Memorial Day weekend. I just got back from Oklahoma City this past weekend, so I'm trying to catch up after being away for a couple of weeks. Most of my time has been working around the house (you should have seen the weeds!!), or visiting my wife's Grandma. For those who may not know, she is currently staying at the Francis House. Unfortunately, he health from her cancer has taken a turn for the worse. I'm sure it's comforting for her being around family and friends right now. Her face always brightens up when anyone first walks in her room. Missy, Grandma, Grandma, and I all sat outside on the porch today. Just a beautiful day, all around. Check out Claire new pictures here

Wonderlic Test

I kept hearing about the "wonderlic" test all weekend during the NFL draft. It amazes me that college educated students can perform so poorly in this test. Take for example Vince Young, quarterback for the Titans, he scored a 6 out of 50. 14 is considered an "unskilled worker", and I believe if you score under 10 your considered slow, and I don't mean with your feet. The more amazing concept is that he still was picked top 5 in the draft, and the teams excuse was "he's not a good test taker". No, your neiv and he's dumb. A perfect fit for greedy owners to fill their stadium with a new horse and generate even more revenue. It's a good thing shelf life for an NFL player isn't long, because I'm sure parents wouldn't want their children to model their academic standards after someone who can't figure out that the number 9 represents the month of September. It drives me crazy sometimes to think what the american culture has become when monitary rewards are claimed with how a person performs on the field, rather that contributing something to society other than 3 touch downs with 250 yards for a particular Sunday afternoon. Of course, I must mention, this comes from an overweight middle aged man who never really excelled on any playing field. I would be a hypocrite to say I didn't and still do idolize these athletes, but after the confusion of adolescence, I understand what a true role model would be. They are never rewarded with lucrative contracts, or ongoing recognition, they are simple unknown to the majority of the world. 
I'll get of my soapbox, anyways, there is a Yankee game on after all. He's a link to take the test . Be sure to post your results...

Vacation is over, so when is it time to rest?

At midnight tonight, my week's vacation is officially over. I'm not sure if I could call it a vacation since I never actually took a day to relax, a symptom that I credit to my mother. (Sorry Dougy - I'm sure my wife's glad I got this from mom!!) I usually have only one motto when I'm working on project and that's "get er done!!". My wife is very happy with the upgrades, hence, I'm happy. We sure did a lot of work. The Kitchen, Hallway, Front Entrance, Living Room, and all windows were painted. I replaced all the door knobs, hinges, and locks throughout the whole house. All electrical sockets on the first floor were changed over to white rather than almond. Most of the light switches have already been changed over to my X10 Light System, check it out here at my You Tube account. The Kitchen is where most of the work (and money) was done. Countertops with an under-mount sink, recessed lighting under cabinets, knobs for cabinets, and a new pantry next to the fridge. A kitchen island is hopefully on its way. The photos from "before pics" can be found here, the after pics can be found here. Also, one more tidbit for your viewing enjoyment. I found an old video tape here from when we first moved into our house, well at least Frankie and I. What a shocking difference from how much we have changed in 6+ years. I plan to do another video tape soon, it should be exciting, right? Anyways, I'm beat, I'm going into the man room to watch my Yankees lose another one...

Happy 30th Buddy...

I'm finally recovering from this past weekend. What did I expect to happen. I don't get out often, but when I do, I make the most of it. Thankfully, I didn't have a headache the next morning, but the body still has to recover from all the booze in your system. Anyways, my wife & I got a lot of good pictures for Joe & Amy upcoming wedding video I am making, be sure to check to the link to the left. Joe was surprised, since he thought he was going horse back riding. I'm not sure who took to picture above, but I'm starting to worry... Should we be worried Joe... Anyways happy b-day buddy.

Moving Day for GG Buns

The big moving day has come and gone for GG Buns. The family made the trip from Elmira to Rochester to bring Grandma closer to the family. Everything went smooth except for the abundance of clothes that didn't fit into her closet. Anyways, big day tomorrow. Opening season the Yankees. Looking forward to the games, and why shouldn't I. 107" of high definition, will surround sound. Life is good.... Have a good week everyone...

Congratulations to Amy

Congratulations to my good friend Amy, for completing her course with the Catholic Church's RCIA program. Her path now is clear to marry her heart throb tv star Joe D in the Catholic Church this coming November. For everyone who didn't know, she picked the best sponsor for this leap of faith, a man with an unflappable devotion to is faith, a constant role model to his peers, and of course a man that would be photogenic in all the photos to be taken. No it's not Dougy, it was me, of course. Honestly I think she picked me because she trying to black mail so that the video I am making for the wedding doesn't embarrass her that much, you thought wrong Nasti, you thought wrong....

p.s. Congrats Amy Angela Lynn Prusnasti

Why the internet is more important than any other source of information

My recent bouts with any customer service department has been "awful" to say the least. I'm not sure of who the person I'm talking to, their name or origin. With technology completely running our lives these days, customer service is more important than even. So my question is this, if companies keep producing these high end "state of the art" products, why can't they put together a technical department which speaks the "Kings English". The manual's that are provided in any product this day are more confusing than Lil' Wayne lyrics. How is a single piece of paper, most of which is filled with three different languages, going to explain to me how to install my dvd player. Let's not even mention how miserable some of the service department personal are....
So, how do we get around horrible 800 numbers, and unintelligible operators, the internet. Fifty years ago, television is what everyone got there entertainment, and news from. The family would gather around the boob tube and find out what happened in their world today and watch there favorite show in the evening. Some would read papers, others would turn on their radio. My question is simply this to older generation is this... How did you survive without the internet? I never read the paper anymore (except the Sunday ads), hardly ever watch live TV, and never ever read manuals anymore. I read my news on the internet, watch my tv shows through my tivo, and get all of my information from the search engine from google. Let take this for example. I'm somewhat intelligent, and can fix most things (don't ask my wife). I had to cancel one of my phone lines this week, which of course, was used for my alarm in my house. The fact that I told the installer not to install the security system on the phone line is besides the point, but when I called the 800 number to have someone come out to change the phone line on the security systems I heard this. "We have no record of you asking to have your security system installed on your primary line, so we will have to set up and appointment and charge you for a service call. The next available appointment is one week from today, sometime between the hours of eight and noon, and there will be a starting charge of $85.00". Here is where you heard the operator on the other line, "Hello... anyone there?". I wasn't worried about hanging up on Margaret with her condescending attitude, I had my computer with google and already pulling up the schematics to my telephone interface box. I had it completely rewired in about two hours time. The term "God bless America" should be changed to "God bless America and the internet".

Has our democratic process gone in the wrong direction?

Unless your buried beneath a rock, you can't turn a tv on lately without seeing some sort of political coverage. I hate our country's primary selection process. It bothers me that most of the states in our union have open primaries, so Democrats can vote for Republicans and vice versa. So of course, opposite parties (namely Republicans) can affect huge turnout votes in primary state elections such as Texas and Ohio this past week. Most Republicans would love the idea of Hillary Clinton securing the Democratic nomination. The "Swift Boats Adds" will no doubt have a field day on Hillary, making sure to see her crying through most of the general election.  The conservatives would are not excited with the Republican nominee John McCain will rally behind their party just so that there won't be a third term for a Clinton in the White House. Hillary campain would no doubt have to think of another brillantly add campain, because no doubt, the "phone call at 3am" will not work on such a season vetran of both war and politics like Senator McCain. This being said, the odds (and numbers), are not in the Clinton camp. I saw on tv this morning that Hillary would have to win the rest of the primary states 70 to 30 percent against Obama.  Also, there is the case in which the superdeligate's would boost Hillary into the nomination. If this happens, the nation as a whole might just want to forget the general election because the Democratic Party will be catastrophically divided.  On the other hand, I seem somewhat excited about Obama, after all Teddy "error" Kennedy endorsed him. I like the idea of getting out of the senseless war. I can't imagine anyone could give their vote to Senator McCain, "I would keep our troops in Iraq for the next 100 years". Is he out of his mind... This war has cost our country dearly with the brave men and women who serve their nation never to return home again. This war has begun to bankrupt a powerful nation, one which was once a superpower, now begins to stink of mediocrity. If this war continues on any longer I fear for our brave service man and women, and this great country.

Wine Country Travels

Things have appeared to slow down a little bit, so Missy and I took a short break Saturday afternoon to visit some wineries, along with the Amish store. We didn’t have much time (Frank had his shot at the vet this morning), so we only went to a couple of wineries. The shot above is on the west side of Cayuga Lake, looking over the land from the Knapp Winery. It was an enjoyable break, we haven’t had many lately. 

As for an update on Frank, he is back to his old self. For the past two weeks I have been bring him to the vet’s three times a week for subcutaneous fluid shots. He will be doing this another two weeks, then the vet will check his kidney value’s and compare them to the previous month’s. The leptospirosis results were also negative, so he ingested some kind of toxin. The results were good and bad from the lepto test, good that leptospirorsis is a very dangerous and contagious disease, and bad that we still don’t know what toxin he ingested. It’s scary, but seeing him back to his old self makes us feel better. We just hope that the fluids and change in his diet will help. Thank for all the well wishes, and I’ll keep everyone posted.

Looking forward to Easter this year. My wife’s friend asked me to be her RCIA sponsor. As comically as I thought this would be, I am enjoying the time spent with the candidate. Most of the time when I’m in churches I’m working, so participated more in the masses is a welcome change. I hope everyone enjoys their upcoming Easter. Take care.

Frank is resting...

As I’m sure most of you know, Frankie took a turn for the worst Tuesday evening again. While he returned back to himself the past month, he showed the same symptoms from the renal insufficiency (kidney failure) he was diagnosed with last month. The doctor’s still are trying to determine what is bringing this on, testing for everything. It seems to be down to one of two causes, one being a disease called Leptospirosis. Leptospirosis is a bacteria infection which can be caused by drinking, swimming, or walking through contaminated water. It is a very contagious disease that can spread to humans as well. This is tested by a sample of blood being drawn and sent to Cornell for testing. We should know the results by Monday or Tuesday of next week. The other cause of the kidney failure is that he ingested some kind of toxin. Now everyone knows how careful Missy and I are with our dogs, especially since Mosley is a chewer. We have thought of one example of a toxin that Frank may have ingested. Last year (2006) we bought two real Christmas trees. Frank loves to dip his head in the bowl and drink the water from the tree stand. Now, I can remember bringing Frankie to the emergency room around this time (Christmas 2006), for an upset stomach. He was given anti-nausea medicine and given fluids to re-hydrate him. He was fine, till this past Christmas, when he got sick again. This time was worse because of the kidney failure, which without treatment could significantly reduce a animal’s life-span. I mentioned this to our regular vet (who is on my shit list) and they dismissed this notion. However, I’ve read of rare instances online of animals (mostly cats) who have ingested toxins from drinking from a christmas tree stand. While Frank was getting discharged last night from the vet, we asked the doctor about this. She told us she has heard of some cases of this, while rare, are possible. She even printed up and example of this. Anyways, Frank is resting at home right now. He is up almost every two hours to go to the bathroom because he is drinking so much. He is on anti-nausea medicine and amoxicillin. He is going to his regular vet on Monday to get his blood levels checked again, and when we get the results from the Lepto test we will know what course of action to take. The ER vet discussed with our normal vet that we (being me) will have to give Frankie subcutaneous fluid injections. Normally when humans have renal insufficiency, they will go on dialysis to filter their blood, since the kidneys can not perform this function. This is not a common practice in animal medicine, so the injection of the subcutaneous fluid is to help regenerate kidney function loss, the same way a dialysis machine works. 

Anyways, Frankie has been home since last night, we picked him up at around 5PM. The good news is he hasn’t throw up, the bad news is that Mommy, Mosley, Frankie and I aren’t sleeping because of the constant peeing, which is normal from all the water intake and iv fluids he was on. He just pooped this morning, and it looked really healthy!! (I know- to much info, but this is a good sign).

For anyone worrying about us, we are hanging in there. Missy is a lot stronger than I thought she would be in this situation, which I keep accrediting to her being like her father. We will know more hopefully Monday, and I will pass the news along.

p.s. Mosley says Hi to everyone!!!

I’m Tired, I Want TO SLEEP!!!

For anyone out there with kids, I feel for you. I have no idea how you can continually wake up every night with your baby. My little guy Frank was sick New Year’s Eve. He was throwing up, shaking, peeing etc... Missy and I left our New Year’s eve party earlier so we could watch him. (Don’t worry...  I had my nanny camera on him while I was at the party) He was still feeling crappy, so I brought him to the emergency room New Year’s day. They told me that he had the flu, gave him a shot and some fluids and sent us on our way. I decided to bring him to our vet’s later that week because he was drinking a lot more and peeing constantly. I was getting up everyone morning (and still am - it’s 4:30 AM right now!!), and bringing him outside. Our vet ran every blood test, urine test, blood pressure test etc.., basically they still don’t know what he has. The good thing is that there was some concern that he might have a disease called Addison’s Disease. The test for this came back low, which mean’s that in all likely hood he doesn’t have the disease. The doctor’s want to run another blood test to compare his current results to the one’s from a couple of weeks ago. I’m just really frustrated for a couple of reasons, one being that I’ve slept twice through the night in two weeks. Once I’m up, that’s it, I can’t get back to sleep.  The other is that the vet’s office doesn’t seem know what’s wrong with him. Obviously his kidney’s aren’t functioning the right way, because he’s peeing constantly. I’m not to happy with my vet right now, with another blood test coming either today or tomorrow, we’ll be in the hole almost a grand without even knowing what’s wrong with him. The only consolation is that he’s back to himself, playing and tormenting Mosley. He just like the old Frank, with added joy of peeing and waking me up every-night. Anyways, I hope everyone is sleeping right now, I know I wish I was......

Happy Birthday to Angela

Lordy Lordy look who’s forty. That’s right, the big 40 for Angela Cox. The wife and I just got back from Angela’s surprise birthday party. I hope this comes out the right way, but, 40 just doesn’t seem old at all to me. I might be that I’m 31 and closer to 40, but people just don’t look their age anymore. I mean Angela doesn’t, she could easily get away with saying she’s 39 for the next couple of birthday’s!! Anyways, here’s to you kid, happy birthday!!

Goodbye 07 Hello 08

I’m convinced that as you get older, the years go by faster. It just seems like yesterday that I was celebrating 07 being here. Life is so ironic, when your younger you can’t wait for all the responsibilities of being a adult, and now while I’m an adult, I catch myself daydreaming of being that irresponsible kid again. Anyways, I wish everyone a happy new. On a side note, I want my buddy to wear this shirt to his rehearsal dinner. The comedy of this is that his to be brother in-law bough this!!

Little Sofia Cerek

It’s hard to believe that Sofia is already five months old. Where has the time gone... soon she’ll be getting on the school bus and going to kindergarten. Anyways, be sure to check the photo section for some new pictures this week. Gotta go, NFL ticket is calling me.

It’s getting to be to easy

My buddy Amy, it’s getting to be to easy. I was sort of worried Saturday night when Amy said to me “No goofy pictures of me tonight Pond, I don’t want to make your blog. I was sad, for about a minute. Then I realized who was talking to me. It only took her a little while to loosen up, and lets just say, every photographer has it’s favorite view or beautiful subject that they love to capture over and over and never get tired of shooting it. Amy is my Pica-so if you will, my crown jewel. I can’t wait till re-hearsal night during her and Joe’s wedding, it’s going to be epic...

p.s. Iceman.... where are you!!

Hope everyone has a good week

APW Christmas Party 2006

My company doesn’t have a Christmas party, at least I’ve never been invited to one. This is good, because if you were to get my office together along with a loose atmosphere and a lot of booze, well it wouldn’t be pretty. Take for example my wife’s Christmas party for her school. When someone thinks about a teacher, you think professional, role-model, someone who sets a example... not on this night. Oh the things I saw last year, I’ll never think of Ms. P the same. I can’t even post the pictures from last years party here folks, but this is probably a good thing. I’m sure the APW PTA would be happy with this. Hopefully they will behave themselves tonight...

Welcome to the “Big Brother House”

So I’m a “little” crazy. You can never be to safe... right? So what if my house is already wired with motion, window, flood, and fire sensors, is that really enough? Look, I have a lot to protect, my wife, my dogs, and all of my toys upstairs. Picture this, I’m in Florida visiting my in-laws (somebody wake me up - I must be dreaming..) and my phone rings. It’s Time Warner security telling me rear family room motion sensor has been triggered and there calling the police. Hold on there security specialist, let me check on line to see what’s going on.... The scary thing is that I can also record with these camera’s... but I won’t... or will I?

p.s. hopefully Santa will be bringing my third and final step to my home security. It’s a home automation system that I can control online. I know, I’m beginning to wonder what’s wrong with me also.

Perfection... So I’ve been told

I’ve been saying for years to my mother that she has lost the magic touch to the art of Thanksgiving dinner. She shouldn’t be ashamed, no many people are as blessed as I am in the culinary craft. My little sausage fingers work magic on the day people expect the moist flavor of a bird, or the smoothness of the gravy. Not to worry next year mom, I’ll take care of you. Dad should not be without the bliss you feel after being completely stuffed. Oh gotta go, The Food Network is calling here... What the hell does Rachel want now??

Happy Thanksgiving to All..

Oh, what to be thankful for... just a few things... Intel chips, over-clocked processors, wireless networks, LCD TV’s, and of course Turkey. I feel for this poor bastard pictured above, the guy’s hungry, somebody throw him a bone. Anyways... happy Thanksgiving to All!!!

It’s Nifty to be Sixty

I find myself very consumed about my age lately. After all I am turning 31 this month, so I’m not getting any younger. However, there are some things that make me feel young, as you can see in the example above. I’m not old enough to have any black and white photos when I was younger. Thankfully I was born in the generation where everything is in color. Another example of me feeling young was going to my Papa O’s sixtieth birthday party. I mean, how can I get depressed about being thirty, when this old guy is sixty.. Anyways, here’s to you Papa O, happy sixtieth, and I hope to live a long and enjoyable life like yourself.

I want the Lincoln Bedroom....

Election night is over and the beginning of  “Espo Mania” has begun. My cousin Vinnie (no I’m not Joe Pesci), has just completed his election landslide over his Republican counterpart. Could these results be the beginning of a long and distinguished carrier? Hopefully.... Just in case, I’m reserving my option for the Lincoln bedroom someday. You never know, I mean, look who’s running the country now....

Welcome to the World baby Joey!!!

I would like to welcome little baby Joey to the world. Our friends Angela and Chris Cox just recently celebrated the birth of their new baby boy. Missy and I couldn’t be happier for the two of them. Missy and I (unofficially) were the first ones to figure out Angela was pregnant, so I’m taking liberties saying we are the first Aunt and Uncle of Joey.  Just a little of advise for you little guy, don’t become a Blue Jay fan, life sometimes can be disappointing enough, no need to root for a team that will continually be third in the A.L. East. There always room for another Yankee fan. Anyways, good luck in the future little guy, you have some big shoes to fill. I never had the chance to meet your Grandpa whom you were named after, but from the stories I’ve been told you have some big shoes to fill. I’m sure that you will fill them comfortably with the help from all you family there to support you. Can’t wait to see you little guy!!!

Updates to the Media Room

Some improvements to the media room this past couple of months. Fresh coat of paint (thanks Dad), new 27 HD LCD TV, stocked fridge and of course Direct TV HD with NFL Ticket!! Anyone who hasn’t seen this live and in person, you don’t know what your missing. Everyone that has visited, well let’s just say I can’t get them out of my house!!! Be sured to check the photos of the rest of the room and also I have included some photos of my office now that I have moved rooms.

Happy Birthday to Nasti

Urghhhh, my head is pounding, but I do find comfort knowing that Nasti’s has to be feeling much worse than I do right now. I’m starting a new picture book, it’s Amy and all the times she has had two beers in her hand, lifting her shirt, licking Joe’s chest. (I could keep going all day....) I have never meet anyone who takes as good of pictures when they are drunk as Amy does, simply amazing.  I know that I constantly make fun of you, but I really do love you like you are my sister.  Well kid, happy birthday.

p.s. I apologize for any spelling or grammatical errors, my head is f**cking killing me!!!!!!

What a long weekend!!

I’m spent, finished, ready for bed. It’s 7:00 PM on Sunday at it feels like midnight. Busy weekend, Friday rehearsal dinner, Saturday Wedding, Sunday the in-laws moved in. The wedding I shot this weekend was a lot of fun, everyone seemed to really be enjoying themselves. I didn’t even get to enjoy the Direct TV NFL Ticket today. That’s OK, I plan to make up for it next Sunday. I hope everyone has a good week. Once again, check me out the web .

Frankie say “Hi”

I really never get the chance to take a good picture of Frank because he never sits still... unless he wants something. This time he winked at me!! Anyways, just getting ready for a wedding. I’ll try to post something with more substance later this weekend.

Busy, Busy, Busy

I, for one, am sure glad this summer is coming to an end. It’s amazing how much can be crammed into the weekend. Birthday parties, traveling, vacation, weddings... were is the quality time for me and my gadgets. Yes folks, most people like the fall months for the brisk air, beautiful scenery, not me, I need time for my toys. I have almost completed my “media room”. My father in law and I (mostly him) painted the room last weekend. Let’s just say this, who need’s Tullys? Here the set up.... picture this... First to your left a 27 HDTV LCD hooked up to a Time Warner HD Box, along with an Apple TV, and a computer for internet browsing. Then to your left of that TV your have 94 inches of pure high definition broadcasting at 1080i (not p.. to much money). This screen is hooked up to Direct TV HD (yes boys... the NFL Ticket too), and a Xbox 360 with HD DVD. Just is case there are to many games on, to the right of the big screen sits a 20 HDTV Plasma (of course on another feed). Stay tuned for pictures later this week.

Anyways, I’ve re-designed my site here a little bit. I’m working on my work related site,, should be operational by the middle of this month. Be sure to check it out.

Sophia, “Ear Muffs”

Today my niece turned two, but more importantly she has master the command of “Sophia... Ear Muffs”. Yes, unfortunately my language is not “G” rated, but at least I’m catching myself before actually say the seven dirty words. On que, Sophia will cover up her ears with her hands. I usually stop before I even say anything else, because I find my self amazed at how easily she picks up with anything I say or do. Just imagine how my language would be if she was around all the time? Anyways, my family celebrated Sophia’s birthday yesterday. Missy & I got her a slide, which she loves, but... well.. let’s just say my Sister isn’t so thrilled. I’m pretty sure I heard Sophia saying “Slide, Slide!!”, this morning on the phone. The whole gang was there to celebrate, GG Buns, DD, Gama, Pop, Aunt Missy, Jeff, Jodie, Mommy, Daddy, and of course UNCLE JOOOOOEEEEE. Well anyways, here’s to you angel, Happy Birthday. I’m sure you will be able to read this by next year.

No Internet, No Cable TV?

Well, who would have thunk it, Joe Pond deep in the Adirondacks. Everyone might wonder, how would I do without the slightest signal of a wireless internet, without one  signal bar from my phone, without cable TV to watch the Yankees? Everyone knows my thirst for unsecured networks or bluetooth DUN (dialing up network) and of course how I could survive with no sound from John Sterling’s commentary on how horrible the Yankees middle relief is. Yes folks, you might have been worried for me, and I could see why. But rest assured, this geek has already requesting another weekend at the Nicoletti Camp. 

    What a great time... How relaxing is is to wake up in the morning without a sound of a lawnmower in the distance, a motorized scooter screaming down the road, or a faint train horn. Not this weekend.... you can here the sound of the trees leaves whistling in the wind, the humming birds soft rumble, and the woodpecker knocking against the tree. Then to spend the rest of the day relaxing. I found that it’s very peaceful just to sit by the water and breath in the fresh air. 

    Rest assured I at least had my camera to keep my A.D.D. occupied for most of the weekend. Check out the pictures in the Photos page. 

    Also, what a way to cap off the weekend. Missy and I going to the Turning Stone to hear Michael Buble. The only disappointment might have been that he didn’t play Summerwind, what a fitting song for such a peaceful and relaxing weekend.

Gorilla.... Man’s Best Friend?

I’m gonna apologize right now for being all over the place on this post to my blog. First I need to get this off my chest just in case you haven’t talked to me in the past day. Michael Vick is a piece of s--t. Everyone knows how Missy & I love animals (especially dogs). Just a simple phase to sum this up, Garbage in... Garbage out !! This guy was a piece of garbage before he made all of his millions, and he’ll be a piece of garbage while his rotting a federal lock up.  Anyways, of my soap box, we just got back from sunny Florida (101 degrees!!). We (Missy, Amy, Joe and myself) went to Adventure Island, Tropicana Stadium (Clemens lost), and Busch Gardens. In the picture above you’ll see my buddy Joe next to his larger, harrier, and cuter buddy from a previous life. For anyone who doesn’t know Joe, he does a dead on impersonation of a gorilla as you can see from the pictures that I posted in the photo sections. I’m sure if he wasn’t already successful with his current job (he’s a M.D), I would certainly become his manager.  He would be great for all of your kids birthday parties. Honestly, he might not only be for kids, because I’ve never seen my wife laugh like she did when Joe showed us his gorilla impression. Anyways, we had a great time, till next time everyone!!!

P.S. Captain Lasagna coming soon to a theater near you...

Hello World...

Congratulations are in order to Crissy and Chris on their new baby girl, Sofia Marie. She was born yesterday on 7/7/2007 at 2:37am. Talk about lucky... Missy and I went up this afternoon to see sweet Sofia, what a cutie!! I also want to say congrats to Nana & Papa Nicoletti, although neither one of you look like your old enough to be a grandparent yet!! Check the photo page for more pictures.

Five Years Later

Where has the time gone? It just feels like yesterday... doesn’t it? Today was Missy and my five year anniversary.  Honestly, no jokes will be found in this post. I find myself amazed every time I think I got this girl to marry me. We all know how crazy I can get ( no Mom... I don’t have ADD ), how moody I can get (just ask her how I am in the morning), and of course my infatuation with the other women in my life, my computers, HDTV’s, camera’s, and video equipment. I call them women, because mentally it makes me feel better that at least I spending a lot of time with opposite sex. Oh well, so much for the jokes... Anyways, I want to let my beautiful wife know how much I love her.  I can’t imagine the next five, ten, twenty, or fifty years could be any better, but then I never imagined someone like you would be in my life.

p.s. Thanks to GG Buns, her constant praying to the man upstairs finally paid off!!

New Boozie

No that is not my wife, and yes she is available. (Just kidding Mark!!) So you just got done walking 3.5 miles in the corporate challenge. It’s 60 percent humidity, 95 degrees in the shade, 120 degrees on the pavement, what’s the first thing you want. cold beer... only one problem, your hands are sweating so bad you can’t stop the beer from falling out of your hands. I’ve solved all your problems, it’s the “boozie”, kind of like a koozie but with your butt. No slippage anymore for me. Suzanne Sommers has nothing on my girl Sharon “buns of steel” Hurd. 

Also, I don’t recommend trying to run with the bottle in your “boozie”. I can’t post those pictures, sorry Doug, this is not on of those sites!!

School’s Out

Yesterday may have been the official beginning of summer, but everyone in my life knows that summer begins today. Missy will begin her summer vacation with the same ritual as she has enjoyed for a number of years. All of her colleagues will sit down and reminisce about memories from the previous year, complain about all those late night trips to Wal-Mart for supplies, boast about awards they have won, and of course, have to many cocktails so they can do things that they may regret later!! I usually am the DD for this evening, but this bus driver doesn’t mind. Oh the stories people will tell with a little of barley and hops in the bellies. Rest at ease, your secrets are safe with me, your secrets are safe with me. Have a great summer everyone!!

Happy Fathers Day to all the Dads out there

Happy Fathers Day to everyone. I took this picture last night. Dougy chillin behind the computer. What a hard worker!!

Why you check your work

I had an interesting call a few minutes ago. Father Gehl, our church pastor, called to ask me to take down this picture from the website. Every-week I google an image to attached to Father’s weekly message. Apparently, I missed the beer and cigarette in his hand. (I’m sure Dougy would love to meet with this Jesus!!) Thankful I just uploaded the page to the website about 45 minutes before Father Gehl called me. I checked the statistics of the website, and there were only two page views since I updated the site. So if was an angry parishioner or Father Gehl!! Whoops.. my Grandma Bunny would be very upset.  Wait a minute, I remember now, while I was updated the website my mother called me. She must have distracted me!! Thanks MOM!!! just kidding...

DD in the Cuse

My Uncle Dom was the third base ump last night at Alliance Stadium. To sum up the evening... I’m a changed man when is comes to umpires. I’m usually the first guy to scream at a umpire for a lousy call, but these people last night were ruthless. I might have defended DD, but I had Dougy, Mo, and Missy. Now.. on the other hand, if anyone said anything about my Aunt, we got a problem!! Good job DD, you the man!! Click on the picture above for more pics.

p.s. you made the right call!! (and it’s not me being bias )

I’m leaving for Rochester in about an hour. Missy and I are going to see Sophia. I can’t wait to try out my new lenses for my camera that came this week!!! I’m really excited to focus on something rather than the Yankees. I can’t take much more of this losing. Us New York fans have been spoiled the last 12 years, and I have a feeling that all of the old boys are getting tired. Pitching wins pennants now, not home runs!! Anyways, enough of my rant, I’ll post some new pics of Sophia when I get back. Have a great weekend everyone.

So I Have been busy...

What a crazy winter. Thank god it’s spring time, right? Anyways, I haven’t posted in a while. (not since by D.C. trip) I’ve been extremely busy at work, then while I’m not working I’ve been vacationing. I know, wwwwhhhhaaaaa, I’m on vacation. Missy, Mom, Dad, Mosley, Frankie, Grady, Meghan, and I just got back from Florida. We had a lot of fun on our “working vacation”. The weather was crappy in the beginning, but the end of the week was beautiful!! We all drove, and I think it’s safe to say that will be the last time that I do it. Twenty plus hours is way to long to be in a vehicle. I take the three hours flight to Orlando from now on. Hope everyone is looking forward to the summer. I know I am. Gotta go, heading off to Allision’s Baptism...

Back from D.C.

Missy and I just got back from our Washington D.C. trip. Rest assured, I have a ton of pictures and video to post later. The trip didn’t have such a great start, 81 south was closed in portions of PA, so we had to take an alternate route. The weather was very cold and windy, but it didn’t rain or snow during the day while we were out. In the end, we had a great time and saw a lot of our nations history. The picture above was taken at the foot of the Capitol building looking down to the Washington monument. I believe Paul Revere is to the right on horseback. Stay tuned for more..

Happy Birthday GG Buns

Grandma Bunny just celebrated her 88th birthday today. While she will never (probably) seen this post, I want to give her a warm birthday wish anyway. My mother, father, sister, and sopher plan to visit grandma tomorrow. Aunt C and Uncle D will be coming on Sunday. Anyways, here is to 88 more GG Buns!!!

Happy Birthday to Angela

Just wishing a happy birthday to tiff. I am so happy that you and all of your family have come into our lives. We have had so much fun with everyone since our cruise. I sure that we will have many more memories in the future.  So happy birthday tiff!!! (My tongue is out)