Wine Country Travels

Things have appeared to slow down a little bit, so Missy and I took a short break Saturday afternoon to visit some wineries, along with the Amish store. We didn’t have much time (Frank had his shot at the vet this morning), so we only went to a couple of wineries. The shot above is on the west side of Cayuga Lake, looking over the land from the Knapp Winery. It was an enjoyable break, we haven’t had many lately. 

As for an update on Frank, he is back to his old self. For the past two weeks I have been bring him to the vet’s three times a week for subcutaneous fluid shots. He will be doing this another two weeks, then the vet will check his kidney value’s and compare them to the previous month’s. The leptospirosis results were also negative, so he ingested some kind of toxin. The results were good and bad from the lepto test, good that leptospirorsis is a very dangerous and contagious disease, and bad that we still don’t know what toxin he ingested. It’s scary, but seeing him back to his old self makes us feel better. We just hope that the fluids and change in his diet will help. Thank for all the well wishes, and I’ll keep everyone posted.

Looking forward to Easter this year. My wife’s friend asked me to be her RCIA sponsor. As comically as I thought this would be, I am enjoying the time spent with the candidate. Most of the time when I’m in churches I’m working, so participated more in the masses is a welcome change. I hope everyone enjoys their upcoming Easter. Take care.