No Internet, No Cable TV?

Well, who would have thunk it, Joe Pond deep in the Adirondacks. Everyone might wonder, how would I do without the slightest signal of a wireless internet, without one  signal bar from my phone, without cable TV to watch the Yankees? Everyone knows my thirst for unsecured networks or bluetooth DUN (dialing up network) and of course how I could survive with no sound from John Sterling’s commentary on how horrible the Yankees middle relief is. Yes folks, you might have been worried for me, and I could see why. But rest assured, this geek has already requesting another weekend at the Nicoletti Camp. 

    What a great time... How relaxing is is to wake up in the morning without a sound of a lawnmower in the distance, a motorized scooter screaming down the road, or a faint train horn. Not this weekend.... you can here the sound of the trees leaves whistling in the wind, the humming birds soft rumble, and the woodpecker knocking against the tree. Then to spend the rest of the day relaxing. I found that it’s very peaceful just to sit by the water and breath in the fresh air. 

    Rest assured I at least had my camera to keep my A.D.D. occupied for most of the weekend. Check out the pictures in the Photos page. 

    Also, what a way to cap off the weekend. Missy and I going to the Turning Stone to hear Michael Buble. The only disappointment might have been that he didn’t play Summerwind, what a fitting song for such a peaceful and relaxing weekend.

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