Gorilla.... Man’s Best Friend?

I’m gonna apologize right now for being all over the place on this post to my blog. First I need to get this off my chest just in case you haven’t talked to me in the past day. Michael Vick is a piece of s--t. Everyone knows how Missy & I love animals (especially dogs). Just a simple phase to sum this up, Garbage in... Garbage out !! This guy was a piece of garbage before he made all of his millions, and he’ll be a piece of garbage while his rotting a federal lock up.  Anyways, of my soap box, we just got back from sunny Florida (101 degrees!!). We (Missy, Amy, Joe and myself) went to Adventure Island, Tropicana Stadium (Clemens lost), and Busch Gardens. In the picture above you’ll see my buddy Joe next to his larger, harrier, and cuter buddy from a previous life. For anyone who doesn’t know Joe, he does a dead on impersonation of a gorilla as you can see from the pictures that I posted in the photo sections. I’m sure if he wasn’t already successful with his current job (he’s a M.D), I would certainly become his manager.  He would be great for all of your kids birthday parties. Honestly, he might not only be for kids, because I’ve never seen my wife laugh like she did when Joe showed us his gorilla impression. Anyways, we had a great time, till next time everyone!!!

P.S. Captain Lasagna coming soon to a theater near you...

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