Five Years Later

Where has the time gone? It just feels like yesterday... doesn’t it? Today was Missy and my five year anniversary.  Honestly, no jokes will be found in this post. I find myself amazed every time I think I got this girl to marry me. We all know how crazy I can get ( no Mom... I don’t have ADD ), how moody I can get (just ask her how I am in the morning), and of course my infatuation with the other women in my life, my computers, HDTV’s, camera’s, and video equipment. I call them women, because mentally it makes me feel better that at least I spending a lot of time with opposite sex. Oh well, so much for the jokes... Anyways, I want to let my beautiful wife know how much I love her.  I can’t imagine the next five, ten, twenty, or fifty years could be any better, but then I never imagined someone like you would be in my life.

p.s. Thanks to GG Buns, her constant praying to the man upstairs finally paid off!!

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