Has our democratic process gone in the wrong direction?

Unless your buried beneath a rock, you can't turn a tv on lately without seeing some sort of political coverage. I hate our country's primary selection process. It bothers me that most of the states in our union have open primaries, so Democrats can vote for Republicans and vice versa. So of course, opposite parties (namely Republicans) can affect huge turnout votes in primary state elections such as Texas and Ohio this past week. Most Republicans would love the idea of Hillary Clinton securing the Democratic nomination. The "Swift Boats Adds" will no doubt have a field day on Hillary, making sure to see her crying through most of the general election.  The conservatives would are not excited with the Republican nominee John McCain will rally behind their party just so that there won't be a third term for a Clinton in the White House. Hillary campain would no doubt have to think of another brillantly add campain, because no doubt, the "phone call at 3am" will not work on such a season vetran of both war and politics like Senator McCain. This being said, the odds (and numbers), are not in the Clinton camp. I saw on tv this morning that Hillary would have to win the rest of the primary states 70 to 30 percent against Obama.  Also, there is the case in which the superdeligate's would boost Hillary into the nomination. If this happens, the nation as a whole might just want to forget the general election because the Democratic Party will be catastrophically divided.  On the other hand, I seem somewhat excited about Obama, after all Teddy "error" Kennedy endorsed him. I like the idea of getting out of the senseless war. I can't imagine anyone could give their vote to Senator McCain, "I would keep our troops in Iraq for the next 100 years". Is he out of his mind... This war has cost our country dearly with the brave men and women who serve their nation never to return home again. This war has begun to bankrupt a powerful nation, one which was once a superpower, now begins to stink of mediocrity. If this war continues on any longer I fear for our brave service man and women, and this great country.

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