I’m Tired, I Want TO SLEEP!!!

For anyone out there with kids, I feel for you. I have no idea how you can continually wake up every night with your baby. My little guy Frank was sick New Year’s Eve. He was throwing up, shaking, peeing etc... Missy and I left our New Year’s eve party earlier so we could watch him. (Don’t worry...  I had my nanny camera on him while I was at the party) He was still feeling crappy, so I brought him to the emergency room New Year’s day. They told me that he had the flu, gave him a shot and some fluids and sent us on our way. I decided to bring him to our vet’s later that week because he was drinking a lot more and peeing constantly. I was getting up everyone morning (and still am - it’s 4:30 AM right now!!), and bringing him outside. Our vet ran every blood test, urine test, blood pressure test etc.., basically they still don’t know what he has. The good thing is that there was some concern that he might have a disease called Addison’s Disease. The test for this came back low, which mean’s that in all likely hood he doesn’t have the disease. The doctor’s want to run another blood test to compare his current results to the one’s from a couple of weeks ago. I’m just really frustrated for a couple of reasons, one being that I’ve slept twice through the night in two weeks. Once I’m up, that’s it, I can’t get back to sleep.  The other is that the vet’s office doesn’t seem know what’s wrong with him. Obviously his kidney’s aren’t functioning the right way, because he’s peeing constantly. I’m not to happy with my vet right now, with another blood test coming either today or tomorrow, we’ll be in the hole almost a grand without even knowing what’s wrong with him. The only consolation is that he’s back to himself, playing and tormenting Mosley. He just like the old Frank, with added joy of peeing and waking me up every-night. Anyways, I hope everyone is sleeping right now, I know I wish I was......

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