Sophia, “Ear Muffs”

Today my niece turned two, but more importantly she has master the command of “Sophia... Ear Muffs”. Yes, unfortunately my language is not “G” rated, but at least I’m catching myself before actually say the seven dirty words. On que, Sophia will cover up her ears with her hands. I usually stop before I even say anything else, because I find my self amazed at how easily she picks up with anything I say or do. Just imagine how my language would be if she was around all the time? Anyways, my family celebrated Sophia’s birthday yesterday. Missy & I got her a slide, which she loves, but... well.. let’s just say my Sister isn’t so thrilled. I’m pretty sure I heard Sophia saying “Slide, Slide!!”, this morning on the phone. The whole gang was there to celebrate, GG Buns, DD, Gama, Pop, Aunt Missy, Jeff, Jodie, Mommy, Daddy, and of course UNCLE JOOOOOEEEEE. Well anyways, here’s to you angel, Happy Birthday. I’m sure you will be able to read this by next year.

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