Why the internet is more important than any other source of information

My recent bouts with any customer service department has been "awful" to say the least. I'm not sure of who the person I'm talking to, their name or origin. With technology completely running our lives these days, customer service is more important than even. So my question is this, if companies keep producing these high end "state of the art" products, why can't they put together a technical department which speaks the "Kings English". The manual's that are provided in any product this day are more confusing than Lil' Wayne lyrics. How is a single piece of paper, most of which is filled with three different languages, going to explain to me how to install my dvd player. Let's not even mention how miserable some of the service department personal are....
So, how do we get around horrible 800 numbers, and unintelligible operators, the internet. Fifty years ago, television is what everyone got there entertainment, and news from. The family would gather around the boob tube and find out what happened in their world today and watch there favorite show in the evening. Some would read papers, others would turn on their radio. My question is simply this to older generation is this... How did you survive without the internet? I never read the paper anymore (except the Sunday ads), hardly ever watch live TV, and never ever read manuals anymore. I read my news on the internet, watch my tv shows through my tivo, and get all of my information from the search engine from google. Let take this for example. I'm somewhat intelligent, and can fix most things (don't ask my wife). I had to cancel one of my phone lines this week, which of course, was used for my alarm in my house. The fact that I told the installer not to install the security system on the phone line is besides the point, but when I called the 800 number to have someone come out to change the phone line on the security systems I heard this. "We have no record of you asking to have your security system installed on your primary line, so we will have to set up and appointment and charge you for a service call. The next available appointment is one week from today, sometime between the hours of eight and noon, and there will be a starting charge of $85.00". Here is where you heard the operator on the other line, "Hello... anyone there?". I wasn't worried about hanging up on Margaret with her condescending attitude, I had my computer with google and already pulling up the schematics to my telephone interface box. I had it completely rewired in about two hours time. The term "God bless America" should be changed to "God bless America and the internet".

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