Welcome to the “Big Brother House”

So I’m a “little” crazy. You can never be to safe... right? So what if my house is already wired with motion, window, flood, and fire sensors, is that really enough? Look, I have a lot to protect, my wife, my dogs, and all of my toys upstairs. Picture this, I’m in Florida visiting my in-laws (somebody wake me up - I must be dreaming..) and my phone rings. It’s Time Warner security telling me rear family room motion sensor has been triggered and there calling the police. Hold on there security specialist, let me check on line to see what’s going on.... The scary thing is that I can also record with these camera’s... but I won’t... or will I?

p.s. hopefully Santa will be bringing my third and final step to my home security. It’s a home automation system that I can control online. I know, I’m beginning to wonder what’s wrong with me also.

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