Wonderlic Test

I kept hearing about the "wonderlic" test all weekend during the NFL draft. It amazes me that college educated students can perform so poorly in this test. Take for example Vince Young, quarterback for the Titans, he scored a 6 out of 50. 14 is considered an "unskilled worker", and I believe if you score under 10 your considered slow, and I don't mean with your feet. The more amazing concept is that he still was picked top 5 in the draft, and the teams excuse was "he's not a good test taker". No, your neiv and he's dumb. A perfect fit for greedy owners to fill their stadium with a new horse and generate even more revenue. It's a good thing shelf life for an NFL player isn't long, because I'm sure parents wouldn't want their children to model their academic standards after someone who can't figure out that the number 9 represents the month of September. It drives me crazy sometimes to think what the american culture has become when monitary rewards are claimed with how a person performs on the field, rather that contributing something to society other than 3 touch downs with 250 yards for a particular Sunday afternoon. Of course, I must mention, this comes from an overweight middle aged man who never really excelled on any playing field. I would be a hypocrite to say I didn't and still do idolize these athletes, but after the confusion of adolescence, I understand what a true role model would be. They are never rewarded with lucrative contracts, or ongoing recognition, they are simple unknown to the majority of the world. 
I'll get of my soapbox, anyways, there is a Yankee game on after all. He's a link to take the test . Be sure to post your results...

Vacation is over, so when is it time to rest?

At midnight tonight, my week's vacation is officially over. I'm not sure if I could call it a vacation since I never actually took a day to relax, a symptom that I credit to my mother. (Sorry Dougy - I'm sure my wife's glad I got this from mom!!) I usually have only one motto when I'm working on project and that's "get er done!!". My wife is very happy with the upgrades, hence, I'm happy. We sure did a lot of work. The Kitchen, Hallway, Front Entrance, Living Room, and all windows were painted. I replaced all the door knobs, hinges, and locks throughout the whole house. All electrical sockets on the first floor were changed over to white rather than almond. Most of the light switches have already been changed over to my X10 Light System, check it out here at my You Tube account. The Kitchen is where most of the work (and money) was done. Countertops with an under-mount sink, recessed lighting under cabinets, knobs for cabinets, and a new pantry next to the fridge. A kitchen island is hopefully on its way. The photos from "before pics" can be found here, the after pics can be found here. Also, one more tidbit for your viewing enjoyment. I found an old video tape here from when we first moved into our house, well at least Frankie and I. What a shocking difference from how much we have changed in 6+ years. I plan to do another video tape soon, it should be exciting, right? Anyways, I'm beat, I'm going into the man room to watch my Yankees lose another one...

Happy 30th Buddy...

I'm finally recovering from this past weekend. What did I expect to happen. I don't get out often, but when I do, I make the most of it. Thankfully, I didn't have a headache the next morning, but the body still has to recover from all the booze in your system. Anyways, my wife & I got a lot of good pictures for Joe & Amy upcoming wedding video I am making, be sure to check to the link to the left. Joe was surprised, since he thought he was going horse back riding. I'm not sure who took to picture above, but I'm starting to worry... Should we be worried Joe... Anyways happy b-day buddy.