Saki - Sank you very Much!!

There is nothing I like more than a good Japanese Steakhouse. The in-laws, the wife and I partook on some fried rice, soup, steak, chicken, and SAKI!!! I was feeling multi-cultured tonight after having a BLL (Bud Light Lime), then a bottle of Boones Farm, then finishing of with Saki. You would think I would be sleeping right now, but with the Florida heat, you just sweat everything out. I don't know how anyone can live here in the summer, it's way to hot for me. Anyways, all is well, I attach some more photos when I get back to the cuse!! Till then, sank you very much.

Another One Bites the Dust

Another bachelor joined the rest of the old boys club this weekend, my cousin Vinnie - no not Joe Pesci. I took some pictures from the festivities, you can view them here. I also was able to add some more pictures of Sophia & Claire. Be sure to see the video of Sophia calling me a mess. (it's at the end of the video - be patient) That's all for now..